Events at Authentique Wines

Wine is social and we love to share.

Whether you are interested in running a private event or joining one of our existing events, read on to find out what we do.

Open Up!!!! Wine tasting that’s fun!

We organise private or public wine tastings and can guide you through our wines as fun, informal events or more formal wine tasting formats such as blind tastings or wine and food matching events.

They are designed to open up your knowledge and confidence in tasting and enjoying wine. We will bring specialist wine tasting glasses if you are catering for a crowd.

We have experience to share

We love sharing our story and will come to speak publicly about our social and enterprise activities at your events.

Believe us - tasting wine in Europe, business set up, importing and working with our wine makers and running a ‘pop up’ wine stall whilst being a scientist and an artist means we have plenty to tell!