Welcome to Oxney Estate

Oxney Organic Estate | wine delivery

Oxney Organic Estate

Oxney exists to reset expectations of organic winemaking in England. They say that some call it an impossible challenge, however they call that a lack of imagination.

Their organic methods are the best way to produce the quality and purity of fruit required for their wines. Their 35 acres of vines produce around 20% of all organic grapes grown in the UK and they use them to make an increasingly celebrated range of still and sparkling wines. Oxney believe that the future of English wine is organic and we wholeheartedly agree. 

Oxney Organic Estate vineyard | wine delivery

Oxney Organic

Their vines sit on well-draining sand and silt loam, teeming with the microbial life essential to organic grape growing. They nurture the microorganisms with compost and farmyard manure from cattle grazing on pasture land within their wider organic farm estate. Their vineyard work focuses on promoting natural disease resistance and vigour in the vines. Cover crops, natural sprays, careful canopy management and manual and mechanical weed control all result in stronger vines and healthier grapes.